Monday, February 9, 2009

Kay Steps Up to the Plate

Kay received the Brinkerhoff Blog announcement, and immediately started her own blog! At this rate, we'll all be up and running soon. It's fun to be able to work on everything's YOUR turn to get started. Believe me, if I can do it, you can! It will be so neat to have everyone hooked up! That way you can tell the story the way you want to, and Mom and Dad don't have to work so hard! Sounds like a win-win to me! Thanks, Kay, for stepping up to the plate! Click on Tony and Kay's reunion picture to the right and you can see what a good job she did already. She even has the wedding website linked. Way to go!

1 comment:

Vegas H Family said...

Way to go Kay!! I tried leaving a comment on your blog but couldn't do it. Glad to see Tony shaved his beard off!