Friday, February 6, 2009

Brielle Spends the Night

Brielle called Grandma to see if she could spend the night on Thursday (it works because Brielle doesn't go to preschool the next day). Grandma had an appointment the next day, so she told her they would do it the next week. Brielle called several times during the week to see when she could spend the night. When it was just two days left, Stacy said she started "packing". She was so organized, and she wanted several different containers to put things in. She brought her babies (2) and a stroller, plus several toys, clothes and bottles for the dolls. When Thursday morning came, Stacy asked if Brielle had packed her clothes. She had to spend more time getting her clothes and toothbrush ready to go. Brielle and Tony decided that pizza would be good for dinner, and Brielle got to stay up for a while to play. She also went with Grandma to walk the dog. She forgot to pack her coat, so she wore Grandma's sweatshirt. The next day they got to play "babies" and games. Fun time!

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