Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Charleston Trip

Just after Tony and Kay's wedding, Jim, Nancy, MaryAnne and Bob went to Charleston for a get-away. Since Veals were in Georgia for the wedding, the decision was made to have a mini-vacation in Charleston, South Carolina. Jim's cousin lives there, and the plan was to stay in their home while they were gone. It didn't work out that way, but the trip was fun! A tour of the old part of Charleston was done by way of car and a horse-drawn trolley ride. Charleston was one of the few places left untouched from the Civil War, and the homes were beautiful! Jim's second cousin, Rudolph George, provided a terrific tour of the Citadel, where he works. A trip to the beach and to an old plantation rounded out the visit to Charleston. Nancy was grateful that Bob was there to help push Jim in his "walker", and visiting was the priority. As usual, the Veals and the Brinkerhoffs had a great time!

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